All eligible students must obtain a School Opal Card to be able to catch a bus to and from school. To be eligible for a School Opal Card, students need to live a minimum distance from their school:

Years K - 2 - there is no minimum distance.

Years 3 - 6 - 1.6km straight line distance or 2.3km walking.

Once your child’s enrolment has been confirmed, complete the application here.

To find the correct school bus for your child call 49357200 or go to the website.

Click on the ‘Hunter Valley Bus Logo’ at the bottom of the page. Click on ‘School Information’ on the left hand side of the page and you will reach the ‘Hunter Valley School Timetables’ list of schools. Scroll through the list until you find St John the Baptist Primary School, click on the appropriate link and a list of the routes will be shown.

Own Transport

In areas where there is no public transport, eligible residents may receive a subsidy for transporting their students to school by private vehicle.


Drop-off and pick-up bays are marked accordingly in the strip outside the hall. These parks are not intended for more than a quick kiss/drop, if you come during the day to collect a sick child or if you are in the ‘collection’ line of an afternoon. Entry to the school drive-thru is via Lee Street and exit is via Victoria Street.


Each afternoon students line up according to the mode of transport being used for their journey home. Each line is supervised by a teacher until the students are safely deposited on buses, with parents or across roads.